KIRK PETERS | Local Secret Santa


Local Lacey Township, NJ couple Kirk Peters and Christine Peters set up a “Secret Santa” program to help provide help to local families struggling to provide Christmas presents to their children. Kirk and Christine Peters posted online open to any Lacey Township families in need of a little extra help at Christmas time with providing gifts to their children. They made it easy for parents to reach out quietly by sending an email with the ages of their children, leaving out personal information.


The couple then dropped off bags of unwrapped gifts for the parents to wrap and give to their children on Christmas day. The couple said Christmas is their favorite holiday and they wanted to provide Christmas spirit this year and hope to grow every year providing more gifts to more children every year! Having children themselves, they know how special Christmas Day is through the eyes of young children. They provided gifts to mostly local Lacey Township, NJ families and some other surrounding Ocean County towns. Next year, they are hoping they will get donations that will go directly back into the community to local Lacey Township residents including Forked River and Lanoka Harbor who are in need of a little help at the holidays.


The couple even included their children by having them help drop off the gifts to as many as 50 local families which included over 100 children. This was a tough year with Covid and we all need a little help sometimes.



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